Mercedes-Benz SK Expedition Vehicle @ Explorer Magazine Germany

The Explorer Magazine Germany reports in the current issue about the individual Boxmanufaktur build of a Mercedes-Benz SK 2544 | 4×4. In the process, a great video was also created. Including room tour and some technical details, such as the lowerable Qaudgarage.

Like every Boxmanufaktur expedition vehicle, Anja & Bernhard’s SK is also unique and has been designed, developed and manufactured entirely according to the customer’s wishes.

You want to accompany Anja & Bernhard and their Mercedes-Benz SK named Mithrandir on their way around the world? Then please follow this link 🙂

Do you have questions about the shown Expedition Vehicle, the Boxmanufaktur Composite RV Box or other projects?
Then get in touch with us right away.

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