Expedition Vehicles
Boxmanufaktur expedition vehicles are built according to your individual
requirements and needs – that’s why every Boxmanufaktur vehicle is unique.
With sufficient water, electricity and diesel on board your Boxmanufaktur expedition vehicle, you will enjoy the freedom to travel to even the most remote places.
The Boxmanufaktur Philosophy
Base Vehicle
The vehicle you provide is the basis for your Boxmanufaktur expedition vehicle.
Composite Box & Sub Frame
Your Boxmanufaktur living habitat and subframe are planned according to the intended use and your personal requirements and carefully matched to your base vehicle.
Windows, Skylights & Co
The windows, skylights and storage hatches we install from KCT and Outbound are the benchmark when it comes to insulation, soundproofing and safety.
Floor plan & Interior
We offer customizable floor plans for any size vehicle. High-quality materials, well designed solutions and perfect workmanship make your expedition vehicle your home on wheels.
Power Supply
We determine the power requirements for your trips and develop a self-sufficient and powerful energy concept for your expedition vehicle.
Water Supply
Sufficiently dimensioned fresh water tanks, water filter systems, powerful pumps and the best fittings ensure comfort and water pressure like at home.
Heating System
A diesel-powered water heater ensures pleasant temperatures in the box even under extreme weather conditions. A combination of underfloor heating and convector heaters distributes the heat optimally throughout the box.
We build your Boxmanufaktur expedition vehicle in compliance with the vehicle manufacturer’s installation guidelines. All installations are carried out in compliance with legal requirements, comprehensibly and professionally.
Customized underfloor storage boxes, roof racks and rear lift solutions for bicycles, motorcycles or quads, tire inflation system round off the overall look of the vehicle and create additional storage space.
Base Vehicle
From truck to expedition vehicle
The basic vehicles of our customers are as individual and different as the Boxmanufaktur boxes and expedition vehicles. You already own a truck and you want to start planning for your expedition vehicle? Then contact us today.
Composite Box & Subframe
Size and weight class of the base vehicle, the number of travelers, the planned destinations, or your personal travel behavior, are just a few aspects to consider when planning your individual composite box. We will find the optimal solution for you.
Windows, Skylights, Hatches & Doors
We manufacture the pass through into the drivers cab individually and precisely for your base vehicle, e.g. with lockable door and bellows.
We use windows & roof hatches from KCT and Outbound. These were developed for use in expedition vehicles. The real glass windows and skylights, are height suitable, robust and comfortable to use.

Floorplan & Interieur
Together with you, we develop the best concept for the interior design of your Boxmanufaktur box. In doing so, we rely on well thought-out and tried-and-tested layouts that we adapt to your personal needs.
Perfectly processed, durable and robust.

Power Supply
The most important energy supplier for your Boxmanufaktur
expedition vehicle is solar energy. For the energy supply of your vehicle
we rely on electricity and deliberately do without gas.
This is made possible by a perfectly coordinated energy supply system, consisting of high-quality and approved components. The entire electrical installation is done professionally and in compliance with the german VDE guidelines.

Water Supply
A sufficient supply of clean drinking water is what makes flexible and self-sufficient travel to remote areas and over longer periods possible in the first place.
High-quality water pipes, pumps and fittings ensure comfort and water pressure like at home.

Heating System
Comfortable warmth even in extreme conditions is achieved by using
high-quality diesel-powered water heaters. The combination of underfloor
heating and convector heaters ensures even distribution of warm air
throughout the box.
Hot water is supplied by a boiler system, which is powered either by the on-board power supply or alternatively by shore power.
With central control, you always have all the important values in view.

Roof racks, LED lighting, underfloor boxes/storage boxes made of GRP or stainless steel spare wheel carrier, rear carrier for bicycles, motorcycle or quad. Customized fuel tanks, tire inflation system.